Here are a few photos I took when we were visiting my parents recently. Talk about being in the right place at the right time, I was hanging out with my mom and daughter on the patio when I turned around and one of the many hummingbirds that grace my mom’s garden had stopped by for a fountain bath. I wish I had been quick enough to catch him in flight. My dad came out just as the hummingbird finished and he was green with envy. They’re not an easy bird to sneak up on!
All photos taken by Maartje Eagle.
This is the closest I got to an in flight photo. I think though, that my camera wouldn’t have been fast enough to capture the speed of that little bird.
Here are a few images of what was growing in the garden during our visit:
One of the bees, hard at work.
Artichokes, used as a patio decoration as well as intended for food.